Sunday 6 May 2012

She said beauty box

Here is a sum up of my overall experience with She said beauty monthly premium sample boxes. I have received all three boxes I subscribed too and overall I would rate the experience 8/10. However, under experiences, it's things like the expectation, the surprise etc. The products I received in the box, I would rate 5/10. The reason for this is due to the promise of premium samples not being delivered, I received things like cheap soap made in China, collection 2000 lip puffs,Kim Kardashian perfume samples and stingy amounts of sample sachets. Some of the more expensive products and full sized ones like Inka make up, didn't appeal to me. It didn't help that the colours I got were disgusting and unflattering. Having said all that, I understand that everything is random but I do feel that She said beauty being a new service doesn't have many good brands under their belt, hence the products are not as good as ones offered by Glossybox. I've barely even tried any of the samples I got from She said beauty; they're all still in their boxes stacked on my windowsill. :/ My Glossybox subscription will continue. Lasts months box was full of full sized delights and with their birthday coming up, I can't wait for more and hopefully bonus surprises!!!

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