Thursday 24 May 2012

Perfume samples

I think I have an addiction to drama and there has been loads of it on the GB Fb page. Most regarding Collection 2000, HD brows and perfume samples - Can we get them from department stores?

I agree these 0.8ml samples are rather stingy and ideally shouldn't be in a luxury sized sample beauty box.

I have received about 4 samples in the past 12 months. Pictured above is Lancome Hypnose Senses 1.5ml and Miss Dior Cherie 2ml. The other samples have been another Hypnose and Givenchy one, similar sizes, which I have lost :/

How do you get them? Normally, you should buy your perfume from one place, mine being Boots and build a good rapport with the perfume sales assistant and plus spend lots of money. I have worked on perfume and we did not give samples to anyone unless they were a frequent customer or had bought a perfume.

So what do I think about the perfume debate? 0.8ml is rather stingy and if GB did negotiate with Lolita Lempicka they should have obtained a better one. And if LL perfume samples are not given away for free, it's a much smaller size than those that do, such as the much higher end Dior. These are all average samples non the less and nothing special for example I received a 3ml rollerball samples from SSB, yes I know its Kim K but it was more appreciated than LL.

It's not that much of a stretch considering some received HD brows retailing around £20! How about offering those that didn't a better substitute? Spehora do travel sized 10 ml rollerballs of Stella McCartney and Marc Jacobs for $20 UK exchange for £12. Now that's what I call a luxury sample :p

Wednesday 23 May 2012


So everyone or nearly everyone is complaining about Glossybox's anniversary sample box on Facebook. I've been hearing things like people receiving Collection 2000. Full size fair enough but not high end as promised. I can see where people are coming from with this. I remember seeing a sample of Baptise dry shampoo last year!! How awful and what a way to bring down brand image.

This is the box I received this morning. No Collection 2000 thank God.

I've lost the card it comes with already :/

But the things are

2 sachets of Apvita honey mask
10ml of Berber (argon) hair oil
Noble Isle shower gel 75ml
Eldora eyelashes
2 0.8ml samples of Lolita Lempicka perfume
A mirror and a balloon (Birthday gifts)

This is overall an ok box, not amazing but I don't have much to complain about, seeing as I didn't receive the Collection 2000 pencil. It's not an expensive box but still worth more than £10. Very disappointed with the eyelashes, I remember the status price was £3.80 and seeing as my standard Ardell ones retail over £5, it's not great, is it?

Here is a close up

Sunday 20 May 2012

The 30p sheet mask

What do you do with all the serum left behind in the packet of your sheet mask?
The brands I have chosen to buy, SaSa, My beauty diary etc are very generous with the super tonic serum and often there are loads left behind even after the mask is saturated. I've been wasting it until not very often when an idea struck me. I decided to empty the contents in a free toner bottle and planned to pat the serum on my face when I wanted a treat. After visiting Muji, I came up with a much more ingenious plan.
These paper face masks come 5 for £1.50. I simply pop the mask in a vaseline line, squirt the mask with the serum until it's saturated and unfolds. AND VOILA a mask for 30 pence. These Muji masks are not as thick and as soft as the ones from korea but hey ho, my skin still gets the whitening moisturising treat it craves.

Saturday 19 May 2012

No7 beautifully balanced toner review

I ran out of toner today and found this ones lurking in the back of my treasure chest. There's a simple reason why it was there... It's awful. When I bought this, there was an offer for 3 for 2 and teamed with the description online, being that it was alcohol free, I decided to give it a try. It's NOT alcohol free, in fact the second ingredient is just that. It stinks so bad of the stuff, it's likely to give you a hangover. With all alcohol based products it leaves the skin feeling sticky not clean. Alcohol is a common ingredient for toners for oily/combination skin, this is to dry it up mainly. However, it's really bad for that skin type, in fact it encourages skin to produce more oil and sebum, which in turns means more breakouts. A good toner for oily combo skin without alcohol and on a budget is Garnier essential ones, the rose one for sensitive skin being one of my favourites. So save your money and your £5 vouchers and steer clear of No7 toner. However, if you need a good desk cleaner, this will do just the trick.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sasa Haul

Here are some of the contents of my haul from that I received last week.

Well I actually I bought multiple of all the items posted... as well as lip balms and Rohto eye drops which I've already misplaced! In the picture though are: Skinlite hair pack (mask as thick as toothpaste and an essence cap. Like the Japanese essential hair care brand smells indulgently of honey. Next are four Laniege water sleeping packs. In the UK where you get generous sample packs form brands like Clinique when you buy two or more products, HK actually sell these samples individually. I bought four as it equated to the full size jar but I saved a couple of quid. A single foam hair curler (from a pack of 6) curls hair into lose japanese style curls without heat. CM papaya and tomato whitening gels, this is something I've never tried before but the texture is like a more fluid Clinique moisture surge (FYI, tomato smells horrible). I think the small green face masks are Cosline? whitening green tea fluid masks... I thought these were sheet masks :( Attirer cotton sheets/pads. This seems like a silly thing to export from abroad but I love asian cotton pads, they never flake and even the cheapest brands are soft and silky. Lastly there is a lifecella mask, which Sasa sent as a complimentary gift. All in all, this haul was a waste of money, I had spent a few weeks building up my basket to get free shipping. However when that date came, nearly half and the good stuff was removed due to no stock and I ended up purchasing all the filler items.
Here is a picture of Laneige sleeping pack. As you can see, its a milky translucent gel. It smells wonderful and works as an overnight moisturiser/mask which is to be washed off in the morning. Hydrates and plumps skin very well, yet is absorbed as soon as it touches the skin.
Missha PK05 nail polish. Milky, gel, coral.
And my favourite polish remover, Suki in rose. Smells wonderful from Sasa and retails at about £1.50. Hard to find on their website though.

Sunday 6 May 2012

She said beauty box

Here is a sum up of my overall experience with She said beauty monthly premium sample boxes. I have received all three boxes I subscribed too and overall I would rate the experience 8/10. However, under experiences, it's things like the expectation, the surprise etc. The products I received in the box, I would rate 5/10. The reason for this is due to the promise of premium samples not being delivered, I received things like cheap soap made in China, collection 2000 lip puffs,Kim Kardashian perfume samples and stingy amounts of sample sachets. Some of the more expensive products and full sized ones like Inka make up, didn't appeal to me. It didn't help that the colours I got were disgusting and unflattering. Having said all that, I understand that everything is random but I do feel that She said beauty being a new service doesn't have many good brands under their belt, hence the products are not as good as ones offered by Glossybox. I've barely even tried any of the samples I got from She said beauty; they're all still in their boxes stacked on my windowsill. :/ My Glossybox subscription will continue. Lasts months box was full of full sized delights and with their birthday coming up, I can't wait for more and hopefully bonus surprises!!!